In 2009, I became extremely concerned with the concept of Unique Identity for various reasons. Connected with many like minded highly educated people who were all concerned.
On 18th May 2010, I started this Blog to capture anything and everything I came across on the topic. This blog with its million hits is a testament to my concerns about loss of privacy and fear of the ID being misused and possible Criminal activities it could lead to.
In 2017 the Supreme Court of India gave its verdict after one of the longest hearings on any issue. I did my bit and appealed to the Supreme Court Judges too through an On Line Petition.
In 2019 the Aadhaar Legislation has been revised and passed by the two houses of the Parliament of India making it Legal. I am no Legal Eagle so my Opinion carries no weight except with people opposed to the very concept.
In 2019, this Blog now just captures on a Daily Basis list of Articles Published on anything to do with Aadhaar as obtained from Daily Google Searches and nothing more. Cannot burn the midnight candle any longer.
"In Matters of Conscience, the Law of Majority has no place"- Mahatma Gandhi
Ram Krishnaswamy
Sydney, Australia.


The UIDAI has taken two successive governments in India and the entire world for a ride. It identifies nothing. It is not unique. The entire UID data has never been verified and audited. The UID cannot be used for governance, financial databases or anything. It’s use is the biggest threat to national security since independence. – Anupam Saraph 2018

When I opposed Aadhaar in 2010 , I was called a BJP stooge. In 2016 I am still opposing Aadhaar for the same reasons and I am told I am a Congress die hard. No one wants to see why I oppose Aadhaar as it is too difficult. Plus Aadhaar is FREE so why not get one ? Ram Krishnaswamy

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.-Mahatma Gandhi

In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.Mahatma Gandhi

“The invasion of privacy is of no consequence because privacy is not a fundamental right and has no meaning under Article 21. The right to privacy is not a guaranteed under the constitution, because privacy is not a fundamental right.” Article 21 of the Indian constitution refers to the right to life and liberty -Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi

“There is merit in the complaints. You are unwittingly allowing snooping, harassment and commercial exploitation. The information about an individual obtained by the UIDAI while issuing an Aadhaar card shall not be used for any other purpose, save as above, except as may be directed by a court for the purpose of criminal investigation.”-A three judge bench headed by Justice J Chelameswar said in an interim order.

Legal scholar Usha Ramanathan describes UID as an inverse of sunshine laws like the Right to Information. While the RTI makes the state transparent to the citizen, the UID does the inverse: it makes the citizen transparent to the state, she says.

Good idea gone bad
I have written earlier that UID/Aadhaar was a poorly designed, unreliable and expensive solution to the really good idea of providing national identification for over a billion Indians. My petition contends that UID in its current form violates the right to privacy of a citizen, guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. This is because sensitive biometric and demographic information of citizens are with enrolment agencies, registrars and sub-registrars who have no legal liability for any misuse of this data. This petition has opened up the larger discussion on privacy rights for Indians. The current Article 21 interpretation by the Supreme Court was done decades ago, before the advent of internet and today’s technology and all the new privacy challenges that have arisen as a consequence.

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, MP Rajya Sabha

“What is Aadhaar? There is enormous confusion. That Aadhaar will identify people who are entitled for subsidy. No. Aadhaar doesn’t determine who is eligible and who isn’t,” Jairam Ramesh

But Aadhaar has been mythologised during the previous government by its creators into some technology super force that will transform governance in a miraculous manner. I even read an article recently that compared Aadhaar to some revolution and quoted a 1930s historian, Will Durant.Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Rajya Sabha MP

“I know you will say that it is not mandatory. But, it is compulsorily mandatorily voluntary,” Jairam Ramesh, Rajya Saba April 2017.

August 24, 2017: The nine-judge Constitution Bench rules that right to privacy is “intrinsic to life and liberty”and is inherently protected under the various fundamental freedoms enshrined under Part III of the Indian Constitution

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the World; indeed it's the only thing that ever has"

“Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” -Edward Snowden

In the Supreme Court, Meenakshi Arora, one of the senior counsel in the case, compared it to living under a general, perpetual, nation-wide criminal warrant.

Had never thought of it that way, but living in the Aadhaar universe is like living in a prison. All of us are treated like criminals with barely any rights or recourse and gatekeepers have absolute power on you and your life.

Announcing the launch of the # BreakAadhaarChainscampaign, culminating with events in multiple cities on 12th Jan. This is the last opportunity to make your voice heard before the Supreme Court hearings start on 17th Jan 2018. In collaboration with @no2uidand@rozi_roti.

UIDAI's security seems to be founded on four time tested pillars of security idiocy

1) Denial

2) Issue fiats and point finger

3) Shoot messenger

4) Bury head in sand.

God Save India

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

10918 - Aadhaar Articles Dated 26th March 2017

Times of India
NEW DELHI: In a move to check multiple driving licenses under one name, the Centre will ask states to make Aadhaar identification necessary for a ...

Times of India
NEW DELHI: Over one billion mobile phone numbers will have to be linked to their owners' Aadhaar account in the next one year, which telecom ...

The government of India has made Aadhaar, India's unique identification number, mandatory for filing income tax returns, even for those who have ...

Economic Times
In a move to check multiple driving licenses under one name, the Centre will ask states to make Aadhaar identification necessary for a new licence as ...

Times of India
LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh government is mulling to link the Haj application process with the Aadhaar number of the applicant to ensure "greater ...

The curious case of how our Prime Minister, when he was not the Prime Minister, strongly criticised the UPA government on the Aadhaar Card ...
 - The Hindu

Bangalore Mirror
Here is their game plan - The local police on March 17, went to Habib Miyan's residence and informed his family to send him along with his Aadhaar ...

The Statesman
The linking of Aadhaar cards with mid-day meals has resulted in a steep fall in fake enrollments in government schools across the country, according ...

National Herald
So much so that the government has dropped the façade of claiming that 'Aadhaar is not mandatory' in deference to various Supreme Court orders.

It says that if an existing PAN holder who is eligible to obtain the Aadhaar ... look at the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, ...

Daily Excelsior
Yet one more question thrown up by the issue is how come important documents like State Subject Certificate, Aadhaar Card and ration card were ...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

10917 - Hello Aadhaar, Goodbye Privacy BY JEAN DRÈZE - The Wire

Far from ensuring that your identity information is secure, the government is selling it (or is, at least, authorised to sell it) to anyone who has your number and cares to pay the fees.

File photo of Aadhaar cards. Credit: PTI

How would you feel if you lived in a country where everyone’s identity information (name, address, date of birth, photograph – whatever the government decides) is stored in an open-access database? Think about it, because India is nearly there, with some minor restrictions on the content and terms of access of the database.

To understand this, we must make the effort of decoding Section 8 of the Aadhaar Act, despite its opaque – perhaps purposely so – wording. But first, some background.

In the Aadhaar Act, a person’s “identity information” has two components: demographic information and biometric information. Demographic information includes details “related to the name, date of birth, address and other relevant information of an individual,” collected when an Aadhaar number is issued. Demographic information explicitly precludes a few specific details, such as caste and religion, but otherwise, it is basically whatever the government decides. Further, the Act allows the government to require you to inform the Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI) if your demographic information changes – say, if you have a new address.

Biometric information includes photograph, fingerprints, iris scan, and – once again – whatever “other biological attributes of an individual” the government may decide. The Act also uses the concept of “core biometric information,” which is defined in the same way except that the word “photograph” is omitted. 

The boundary between core biometric information and other biometric information can, yet again, be modified by the government, except that core biometric information must include fingerprints and iris scan by definition.

Coming back to Section 8, it is concerned with “authentication”. On this, there was a massive foundational change between an earlier draft of the Act (the National Identification Authority of India Bill, 2010) and the final version, the Aadhaar Act 2016. In the earlier version, which corresponds to the original discourse on Aadhaar, authentication was just a yes/no response. You give your Aadhaar number, along with your fingerprints (or iris scan) and the system verifies whether the two match, in other words, whether you are the person who legitimately holds that number.

In the Aadhaar Act, however, authentication is a completely different thing. When it submits an Aadhaar number, the “requesting entity” (any “agency or person” who is willing to pay the fees) can now ask for any aspect of that person’s identity information, except for the core biometric information.

Everything else, including photograph, can be shared by UIDAI with the requesting entity. To illustrate, if you use your Aadhaar number to buy a sim card, the company can use it to access all your identity information, minus the core biometrics.

The foundational shift that occurred between the National Identification Authority of India Bill 2010 (NIDAI) and the Aadhaar Act 2016 is clear from their respective definitions of authentication:

NIDAI 2010: “The Authority shall respond to an authentication query with a positive or negative response or with any other appropriate response excluding any demographic information and biometric information.” (emphasis added)

Aadhaar Act 2016: “The Authority shall respond to an authentication query with a positive, negative or any other appropriate response sharing such identity information excluding any core biometric information.” (emphasis added)

To be fair, two safeguards are in place in the Aadhaar Act. One is that the requesting entity must inform you about the use it proposes to make of your identity information. But who reads the fine print of the terms and conditions when buying a sim card, or before clicking “I agree” when installing new software? 

The second safeguard is that the requesting entity cannot publish or display your Aadhaar number (or your core biometric information, but that is not accessible to a requesting entity in the first place). Note, however, that nothing prevents a requesting entity from publishing or displaying other identity information, as long as it has informed the concerned person.

In light of Section 8, there is something highly misleading about the recent debate on whether the central identities data repository (the store of identity information held by the UIDAI) is “secure”. This repository is not supposed to be inaccessible. 

On the contrary, the Aadhaar Act puts in place a framework for sharing the identity information in that database, minus the core biometrics. Further, the government (read UIDAI) has virtually unlimited powers to prescribe the content of the identity information, the terms of access and much more.

How did this little-noticed shift in the nature of Aadhaar take place? One plausible answer is that the leading lights of Aadhaar woke up to the business value of the database. By this I do not mean the money that can be made by selling identity information contained in the repository – under the Act, the authentication fees must be credited to the Consolidated Fund of India. The point, rather, is that private access to the repository opens up plenty of business opportunities. This is all the more so with the growing corporate interest in ‘big data’.

The recent discourse on Aadhaar stresses its value as an ‘identity platform’ around which countless apps can be built.

In short, far from ensuring that your identity information is secure, the UIDAI is selling it (or is, at least, authorised to sell it) to anyone who has your number and cares to pay the fees. Only the core biometrics are protected.

This situation must be read in light of the fact that, for practical purposes, Aadhaar is compulsory, or will be compulsory very soon. The claim that Aadhaar is a voluntary facility was nothing more than “smart demand evangelisation,” as some champions of Aadhaar like to call their propaganda. In line with their hopes, Aadhaar is all set to become universal and ubiquitous.

That brings me to the biggest danger of Aadhaar: its power as a tool of mass surveillance. This is, possibly, far more serious than the issue of confidentiality of the database. Once Aadhaar becomes an all-purpose identification tool, your life will be as transparent to the state as a contact lens. Details of your railway bookings, phone call records, financial transactions and so on will be accessible to the government at the click of a mouse without invoking any special powers (it is only to go a little further, like tapping your phone, that special powers – readily available – will need to be invoked). This is all the more worrying as the government has already shown an ominous propensity to control, or try to control, our thoughts and actions. 

Feel like giving up your Aadhaar number? Too bad, there is no provision for this in the Aadhaar Act.

Jean Dreze is a visiting professor at the Department of Economics, Ranchi University.

10916 - Aadhaar Articles Dated 25th March 2017

Economic Times
NEW DELHI: A bulk of India's 1.1 billion telecom subscribers will soon have to go through a fresh verification exercise based on their Aadhaar ...

The Hindu
The Centre assured the Rajya Sabha on Friday that children would not be deprived of midday meals if they did not have an Aadhaar number.

Times of India
PUNE: In order to ensure maximum Aadhaar coverage in the district, officials involved in Aadhaar enrolment drive have written to the district deputy ...

As many as 74 per cent users believe that adding the Aadhaar verification as a check has increased the authenticity. Another finding is that 80 per cent ...

Hindustan Times
Permanent account numbers (PAN) not linked to Aadhaar cards will likely become invalid after December 31, a government source said on Thursday, ...

Times of India
LUCKNOW: Aadhaar may not only help you get an LPG subsidy or a SIM card. It may also soon give credence to ownership of a property and check ...

Times of India
PUNE: An initiative to link land records with Aadhaar numbers will be rolled out in the district on a pilot basis to check frauds and usher in transparency ...

Zee News
New Delhi: The government has decided to make Aadhaar number mandatory for filing of Income Tax returns as well as linking it with Permanent ...

Financial Express
Finance minister Arun Jaitley has done well to answer critics of his compulsory Aadhaar-PAN linkage by saying that if there is a new solution to ...

Daily Pioneer
The worst fears of security experts warning against the mushrooming growth of illegal immigrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh here in the city of ...

The Quint
The Department of Telecommunications on Friday issued a notification, directing all phone service providers to reverify details for all existing ...

Financial Express
Bihar, a prominent laggard in the seeding of ration cards with Aadhaar, has lately responded to the Centre's wake-up calls with great agility: From ...
All mobile phone numbers must be linked to Aadhaar by February 2018, says Centre: The directive is applicable to both prepaid and postpaid users.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

10915 - The end of privacy: Aadhaar is being converted into the world’s biggest surveillance engine - Scroll.In

Privacy is essential to a democracy and the rights of citizens. An undemocratic way is being used to take away this right.

Published Yesterday · 12:30 pm.  

Democracies survive on the delicate balance of power between the ruling class – the executive, generally known as the government – and the citizens. The more power citizens get, the more robust the democracy. As the ruling class accrues more power to itself, it erodes democracy to a point where it ceases to exist.

This axiom has always held true. The fast expanding remit of the Unique Identity number project, Aadhaar, has now taken a giant leap with an amendment to the Finance Bill making it a mandatory requirement for filing Income Tax returns.
The way the move was sought to be pushed in Parliament is part of a trend that is now becoming a clear and present danger to India’s democracy.

Erosion of Parliament
In many ways, the policy decisions around Aadhaar could be seen as illustrative of the erosion of Parliament as an institution. Meghnad S, a policy analyst working with Tathagat Sathpathy, Odisha Member of Parliament from the Biju Janta Dal, brought this out as he live tweeted how the amendments to the Finance Bill making Aadhaar mandatory were introduced in Parliament.
First, the government “cleverly let MPs from major parties give their speeches before they dropped the amendment bomb. Kept it for the last minute,” tweeted Meghnad.

Here are parts of the amendment which will give an idea of what kind of 'control' the central govt will have. (it's a 28 page doc)

The Govt, cleverly, let MPs from major parties give their speeches before they dropped the amendment bomb. Kept it for the last minute.
Second, when Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had introduced the Bill, it had a 150 clauses, Meghnad pointed out. “Yesterday, Jaitley added 33 more without warning. This is unprecedented,” he tweeted, quoting member of Parliament Saugata Roy from the Trinamool Congress.

R Singh: Moody's has mentioned in its report, "Demonetisation = good. Corruption = down. GoI = awesome."

(Moody's? Really? That fraud org?)

S Roy (TMC): When Fin Bill was introduced, it had 150 clauses. Yesterday, Jaitley added 33 more without warning. This is unprecedented.
The members of Parliament as a result had no idea about what these clauses meant, let alone understand the import of the amendments that were eventually passed.

This, however, was not the first time Aadhaar had undermined Parliament. When first introduced by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government, the National Identification Authority of India Bill, 2010 had been sent to a Standing Committee of Finance of the 15th Lok Sabha. The all-party Committee was caustic about the project in its report.
For instance, when the Committee referred to the failed identification project in the United Kingdom, the UPA government attributed the failure to the designing of the framework and structure to a “security perspective”.

“The UID scheme is envisaged as a mean to enhance the delivery of welfare benefits and services,” it said in defence. It also said that unlike the UK identification project the Aadhaar project would not be made mandatory. This was the assurance given to Parliament.

The committee also made the following observations:
  • The UID scheme has been conceptualised with no clarity of purpose…and is being implemented in a directionless way.
  • The UID scheme is ladled with serious lacunae.
  • The scheme was being implemented in an “overbearing manner”.
  • The enactment of legislation of a data protection and privacy law was a “pre-requisite” for the Aadhaar scheme. 
  • The Aadhaar numbers were being issued to all residents of India, virtually giving certain rights and benefits to “illegal immigrants” while burdening citizens with new restrictions.
The Chairman of this committee was none other than senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, with representation from all parties. But in this session of Parliament, BJP has ignored all the issues flagged by the Standing Committee, while also ensuring that the MPs never had a chance to see and debate the amendments.
Worse, by including the amendments as a Money bill, it has also effectively deprived the Rajya Sabha to stall it and send it back to Lok Sabha for further deliberations.

Parliament has thus been rendered ineffectual by the sheer force of numbers that the government currently enjoys in Lok Sabha, along with a procedure that was deliberately put in place to ensure that MPs did not get the time to read the amendments.

Erosion of the Supreme Court
It is not only Executive and Legislature that have failed Aadhaar.

For months, the Supreme Court has not had the time to set up a Constitutional bench to hear a Aadhaar-related case that will adjudicate whether privacy is a fundamental right or not.
But the Supreme Court has had time to deal with a case related to the Board of Cricket Control of India, and even hold regular hearings.

In October 2015, the Supreme Court made it clear that Aadhaar was voluntary and could not be made mandatory.

“The Aadhaar card scheme is purely voluntary and it cannot be made mandatory till the matter is decided by the Court one way or another,” the order had stated.

In September 2016, the Supreme Court once again reiterated this position. In fact, it sought an explanation from the government and asked it to remove a condition making it mandatory for the students to give their Aadhaar numbers for various scholarship schemes, despite a five-bench order that had restrained the Central government.

Making Aadhaar mandatory to file IT returns ensures that this order is wilfully ignored and in fact seems to hold the Supreme Court’s order in contempt.
This is how it played out in Lok Sabha:

After the Executive has ensured that the Legislature is undermined, will the Judiciary – the Supreme Court – come to the rescue?

How does a citizen, dependant on the three pillars of democracy, interpret this? Particularly when the fourth pillar seems to be abdicating its duty as well?

Erosion of Citizen’s Rights
On April 8, 2014, just a month before he took over as prime minister, Narendra Modi had this to say about Aadhaar:

On Aadhaar, neither the Team that I met nor PM could answer my Qs on security threat it can pose. There is no vision, only political gimmick
Today, under Prime Minister Modi’s government, the rules promulgated under the Aadhaar Act 2016, the Unique Identification Authority of India can file a first information report against any citizen who questions its security. What he called a political gimmick, a scheme without vision, has now become his government’s signature scheme.

The Right to Information Act has been in place for over a decade. It is a right given to citizens to ensure that they can exercise the power of transparency over those they elect to govern. But this is an Act that has been steadily eroded to ensure that governments can act with impunity and not bother about explaining to citizens why they are taking such decisions.

Take the case of demonetisation. A number of RTI applications have been turned down on how or why this decision was taken in the first place. Citizens are expected to accept political statements in lieu of facts. This ensures that the government can and will get away with any decision, as long as it enjoys political might. This is exactly how totalitarian regimes work.

Got it. It is compulsorily mandatory to voluntarily get yourself an Aadhaar card.
Surveillance regime
The Aadhaar scheme has failed spectacularly on all these metrics. Nandan Nilekani, who joined the UPA government as the first chairman of the scheme, seems to have succeeded in creating the world’s biggest surveillance engine, ensuring that any government will have complete access to all the data of the citizen, and can use it to manipulate any one at will. Citizens have no protection against this surveillance any more. Section 32 of the Aadhaar Act ensures that under the guise of “national security”, the government can access any information without providing any explanation to anyone. It does not define what is “national security” so any reason can be used to access and use this data.

In Nazi Germany, this kind of a surveillance regime was used to isolate Jews and other minorities and exterminate them. And this was done with the approval of the majority.

Privacy is essential to a democracy and the rights of citizens. Four arguments underscoring the need for privacy in a democracy were advanced by Professor Alan Westin, whose work has shaped some of the biggest debates on the subject.

Privacy, Westin pointed out, provides for personal autonomy. Without autonomy, individuals cease to exist and lose all productivity. Communist and fascist regimes thrived on depriving citizens of their autonomy.

Privacy gives people an opportunity for emotional release. Without this, citizens will be constantly under watch, unable to express themselves. Such a situation undermines the very basis of a society and leads to perennial conflicts.

There is a need to engage in self evaluation and that is endemic to the need for privacy. Imagine having to constantly be under the gaze, where every action is minutely examined. With the right to self evaluation in private taken away, not only does society break down, it ends productivity, leading to chaos, Westin pointed out.

Finally, the need to share confidence and intimacies is critical for any healthy society to flourish. In the absence of privacy, societies fail to share such intimacies, leading to a social break down that are at the heart of successful and progressive societies.

For a party that promised minimum government and maximum governance, the BJP has done exactly the opposite. Through brute force and guile, it is ensuring an omnipotent and omnipresent government that will have suspicion of its citizens as the default option. This is exactly how democracies come to an end – by giving the ruling oligarchy unbridled power to keep the citizens under watch so that they are rendered incapable of questioning them.

"Adarsh Baalak #Aadhaar Baalak" goes w/ "Every breath u take...I'll be watching you"
We welcome your comments at

10914 - Aadhaar Articles Dated 24th March 2017

Economic Times
NEW DELHI: Aadhaar is on course to evolving into a comprehensive identification number for financial transactions, with the government deciding to ...

Economic Times
The issue was raised by Congress leader Motilal Vohra during the Zero Hour in Rajya Sabha, saying the government has made Aadhaar mandatory ...
The fast expanding remit of the Unique Identity number project, Aadhaar, has now taken a giant leap with an amendment to the Finance Bill making it ...
The government had also instructed the states to link Aadhaar number of the beneficiary with the ration card or with a bank account for cash transfer of ...

Hindu Business Line
The share of Aadhaar-seeded accounts remained above 53 per cent in States with more than one crore PMJDY accounts. Maharashtra had linked 80 ...

India Today
In a communication to varsities, UGC Secretary, J S Sandhu has directed universities to include photographs and Aadhaar numbers in the certificates ...

Kolkata, March 23: Making Aadhaar Card mandatory for midday meals will check pilferage, misuse and siphoning of funds meant for the central ...

Times of India
The workshops will be hosted from next week to connect the Aadhaar numbers of the workers with the ESIC numbers and cards. The IIA initiative is ...

Economic Times
While the micro ATMs function as a bank-in-a-box, most of the Aadhaar Pay merchants will be converted into business correspondents and will deliver ...

The Aadhaar has been criticised for its potential to be used for surveillance, for its reliance on biometric data which can't be updated unlike PINs and ...

Daily News & Analysis
As on March 15, the Aadhar generation in Meghalaya and Assam had been 9 and 7 per cent, respectively, with Aadhar generation for children under ...

Free Press Journal
Indore: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV) is planning to incorporate advanced security features, including photographs and Aadhaar numbers of ...

10913 - Aadhaar Articles Dated 23rd March 2017

Hindustan Times
Aadhaar might become the sole identity card in the future, finance minister Arun Jaitley said in Parliament on Wednesday, a move that could possibly ...

Economic Times
NEW DELHI: Aadhaar has not been made mandatory for senior citizens to avail concessions in train tickets but the Railways have initiated a process ...
The government's move to make Aadhaar compulsory for filing income tax returns or applying for a permanent account number (PAN) from 2017-18 ...

Mumbai Mirror
The last few weeks of UID/Aadhaar-related government notifications have felt like a reenactment of the Martin Niemöller poem: First they came for the ...

Hindustan Times
Nilekani – the brain behind the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and its first chairman – appeared to defend Aadhaar in the face of a ...

“You are directed to include identification mechanisms like photograph and Unique ID/Aadhaar number in students' certificates. Further, you are also ...

The New Indian Express
When asked whether the government was “forcing” people to obtain Aadhaar cards, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday said “Yes, we are,” ...
Among the amendments is an unexplained expansion of the Aadhaar project, making it mandatory for anyone filing tax returns . Those who file tax ...

Kashmir Reader
According to the statement” Aadhaar Card has been linked with submission of IT returns and obtaining the Income Tax PAN Card etc also and

10912 - Aadhaar Articles Dated 22nd March 2017

Hindustan Times
The government decided on Tuesday to lower the legal limit on cash transaction from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 2 lakh, and make Aadhaar number mandatory ...

Economic Times
NEW DELHI: The government today proposed to lower cap for cash transactions to Rs 2 lakh from April 1, make biometric identifier Aadhaar ...

The Hindu
The NDA government has proposed to make Aadhaar mandatory for individuals to apply for a PAN (Permanent Account Number) card and file income ...

The Indian Express
“The state of Gujarat has already implemented AePS (Aadhaar Enabled Payment System)-based digital payment in all fair price shops. However, the ...

The Hindu
Even as a large number of people were running from pillar to post to link Aadhaar and 'unblock' their ration cards that were earlier blocked for ...

Times of India
NEW DELHI: Despite a slowdown in Aadhaar-enabled payment authentication in February , authentication using the unique identification number has ...

Outlook India
Mumbai, Mar 21 The Maharashtra government has made Aadhaar mandatory to farmers for availing crop insurance schemes from the next Kharif ...

Outlook India
Ramesh said members had two days back got an official notice from the Rajya Sabha secretariat on a discussion being listed on Aadhaar on ...

New Push To Make Aadhaar A Must For Filing Tax Returns: The Union government on Tuesday proposed to make Aadhaar card mandatory for filing ...

New Delhi: From April 1, 'Aadhar' enabled biometric attendance will become mandatory for teachers and other employees in all the government aided ...

Summary: PATNA: A Bangladeshi national was arrested with fake Aadhaar card on Monday when he was trying to get an Indian passport made from ...
Bangladeshi national arrested - Press Trust of India

Financial Express
About four-fifths of the 7,480 retail outlets in the 11 districts now have Aadhaar-reading PoS machines. “The DBT experiment in the current form is ...

The Indian Express
The government had earlier decided that the allowance will be transferred directly to the accounts of the children which would be linked to aadhaar.

Hindustan Times
Only two payment platforms, Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and Aadhaar Enabled Payments System (AEPS), show a consistent rise in value (in ...