Missing Links: From banks to babies, everything and everyone needs an Aadhaar card
September 22, 2017, 2:06 AM IST Jug Suraiya in Juggle-Bandhi | Edit Page, Humour, India | TOI
Years ago, Science with a capital S sent people out in search of the Missing Link, the evolutionary intermediary between apes and humans which had yet to be discovered.
Today, in India, the Sarkar with a capital S is sending people out in search of a whole lot of Missing Links, the revolutionary intermediaries between aam admi and the Sarkar.
What are these Missing Links, these revolutionary intermediaries between the aam admi and the Sarkar? They are the links – or, rather, Links with a capital L – between the aam admi’s Aadhaar card and the aam admi’s bank account/ accounts, mobile phone, birth certificate, and just about anything else you care to name which the aam admi might possess, or wish to possess in the future.
For aam admi – which is you and I – filling in a KYC (know your customer) form for your bank is not enough. Apart from your KYC identification, your bank also needs your biometric details from your Aadhaar card, which has to be linked to your bank account. Failure to link your Aadhaar card to your bank account could result in your bank account being frozen, with no prospect of it ever melting, global warming notwithstanding.
Your mobile phone has also to be linked to your Aadhaar card, on pain of permanent disconnection if the link is not established.
If you have just got yourself born, your birth has also to be linked with a brand new Aadhaar card, which presumably will feature your fingerprints. Do new-born infants come fully loaded with fingerprints to put on their Aadhaar cards? They’d better, or risk being sent back till they get them, as per Aadhaar requirements.
So far, you don’t have to link your Aadhaar card to every order you make for a home delivery pizza, or every time you buy an online movie ticket. But reliable reports have it that the forthcoming Ministry of Missing Links will address these and similar issues on a priority basis.
Some say that finding all these Missing Links will make us the most spied upon society in the world and entail a loss of privacy.
But most of us are too busy chasing all those Missing Links to worry about such things. The Sarkar has got us going idhar-udhar, here and there, in search of Missing Links. Or, more appropriately, Aadhaar-udhar.
DISCLAIMER : This article is intended to bring a smile to your face. Any connection to events and characters in real life is coincidental.